Other services


Adaptive behavior & special needs

  • Addresses and corrects behavioral problems.
  • Other specific issues with the dog.
  • Training for specific needs of individuals (i.e.: autistic, deaf, wheel chair, needs for older individuals).
  • Prerequisite: Obedience-I / prefer obedience-II

Socializing Training

It’s when a dog has already been trained but has a specific issue. Some examples:

  • In the presence of other dogs or an aggressive dominant dog.
  • Problems with other animals or even humans (IE: being afraid of people, or wanting to bite them)
  • Being obedient when in public places
  • Prerequisite: Obedience-I / prefer obedience-II

Recreational & Sports training

  • Dog is trained for specific sports activities (IE: biking, swimming, hiking,)
  • Prerequisite: Obedience-I / prefer obedience-II

Consulting Services

Consulting services can be provided for any issues or training needs not covered in the above listed training scenarios.