
How to introduce a puppy in your home

The moment you have been waiting for has come! Your little puppy is ready to join your home and become an “official” member of your family! However, are you properly prepared to welcome this new entry?

There is a number of things you should have in mind and you should prepare in order to greet your new member without having any problems.

First reactions

First of all, you have to know that this sudden change at the dog’s everyday life may cause some different reactions to it. For example, the first thing you have to do, if you live in an apartment, is to bring the puppy at once to the balcony. Due to its happiness because of joining you, your little friend may dungs on the floor.

It is indispensable to have formed an area exclusively for your puppy, in order to show it that this place will be, from now, on its space where it can sleep, relax, eat etc. Certainly,  this could only happen if the dog is taking the necessary basic training, so as to achieve this goal.

Due to the fact that the puppy is used to sleep, or in any case, to live, in an environment with its family, do not leave it alone. Stay there until it calms down and becomes familiar with the new conditions.

The puppy’s first night at home

Additionally, you have to emphasize to the dog’s first night at home. Whenever its arrival takes place, mind to have plenty of time for games and activities, in order to make it feel tired enough as this can be the only successful method your puppy to be quite during the night. Remember not to bring your puppy on your bed so as to stop it from a possible crying during the night. Try to show it the way to the specific place you have prepared for it. Don’t’ forget that if it comes to your bed once it will definitely come again and again.

The habit of defecation

Furthermore, you ought to know some things about your puppy’s first needs that make your cohabitation with your little dog more convenient. At most, these are the habits that have to do with the dog’s defecation.

A puppy wants to defecate after having a sleep, after its meal, after drinking water and after its agility playing. These are some of the basic priorities that a puppy has and you must have on your mind at any case. If it is not very teachable at once, avoid stressing it by using your louder of your voice. Let it take its time to the new situation and make it feel as it was with its family.

Patience is the key for an easy living

If you manage to react well in the puppy’s first days at home, showing patience to its behavior, it is certain that when a couple of days passes or in other cases, three or four days, the puppy will start to get used to its new life and step by step will learn your wills and the way you want it to behave.

P.S: It is very important to have arranged a date with a veterinarian at least 48 hours after the dog’s arrival at home. Last but not least the first exams and the basic vaccines are more than necessary for the dog’s life course.